Thanks to all of our Sunset Hills supporters, the Foundation board has approved the following funding so far to support Sunset Hills Elementary and its students in the 2024-2025 school year!
Last Updated 08/20/2024
*Indicates 100% Foundation Funded
Specialist Instructors
STEM Teacher *
Art Teacher*
Music Teacher*
Small Group InstructORS
Instructional Aide (Grades K-1) *
IMPACT Teacher (Grades 2-3) - Credentialed*
IMPACT Teacher (Grades 4-5) - Credentialed*
Teaching Materials/EQUIPMENT
Wirecast Software for Seagull Studios Livestreaming*
Literably Software Subscription*
Brain Pop Software Subscription*
STEM* and General Science Supplies
Art Studio Supplies*
Music Supplies*
Small Grants for All Teachers (PTA)*
Staff Appreciation Activities (PTA)*
Sunset Hills Staff Shirts*
Principal Fund
Spirit Squad Supplies
PTA General Fund ($10,000)
Hospitality (PTA)
Families Helping Families Drive (PTA)
Yearbook (PTA)
Social Emotional Learning
Seagull Lunch Lounge
Character Counts/Red Ribbon Week (PTA)
Around the World Night (PTA)*
Veteran’s Day (PTA)*
Academic activities
Book Fair (PTA)
Science Fair (PTA)
Shoebox Science (PTA)
5th Grade Biz Town (PTA)
CAASPP Snacks for Testing
physical activities
Recess Equipment
National Walk to School Day (PTA)*
Master Sports Field Day (PTA)*
Running Club (PTA)*
Football Friday Paper Drive (PTA)*
March Madness Paper Drive (PTA)*
Extracurricular Activities
Trunk or Treat (PTA)*
Talent Show (PTA)*
5th Grade Promotion Activities (PTA)